Online casinos and sports betting are the scourge of the 21st century. Players become addicted easily, many commit suicide.
Online casinos and betting are more popular than ever. There are a lot of players in the world. Probably most of them are addicted, whether they realize it or not. According to my estimates, there are millions or even tens of millions of gamblers.
Not every gambler is aware of his problem and wants to quit. However, this is extremely difficult to do: addiction cannot be dealt with at will.
The person does not attempt to quit. “Doesn’t try” versus just “doesn’t want to”—the difference is huge. Alas, nothing can be done about it: only the person himself decides what to do and what not to do.
Each ludomaniac has to break through some bottom of his own in order to realize and stop.
The addict must want to change his life himself, otherwise no amount of persuasion will help. So far, I’m not sure that such a desire can be caused from the outside.
The player was forced against his will. The problem is that any attempt to push through causes only reciprocal resistance – this is normal, because who likes it when they put pressure on him? The fact that a person is sick, as well as your good intentions, does not at all oblige him to obey. On the contrary, it can cause another breakdown.
“You can just not play!”
People often reason like this: if you play and it creates problems for you, then it’s enough just not to play and there will be no problems. And if you break down, then you have no will. The worst thing is that even some psychologists think so.
Alas, most people have a very limited understanding of what addiction is. In fact, a person cannot control himself and therefore returns to the game. Not because he doesn’t want to, because he can’t. Because addiction has taken root in his psyche.
Understand the mechanism of addiction and what is really happening to you. Dependency exists. You can’t just not play, as many people think. A gambler – like an alcoholic or a smoker – is not able to control himself. I wish I could, but I can’t. To overcome addiction, it is important to understand its causes and your own thinking.
Debt Anxiety Leads to Relapses
Debtors often worry about the threats of collectors, and they are also pressured by relatives and friends who are also called. Because of this, the gambler begins to worry and frantically look for money. It’s a trap: the more anxiety you have – especially about money – the more likely you are to relapse.
I have had this several times. After a three-month tie, I played in the hope of paying off the debt, but in the end I lost everything, and my relationship with the girl cracked.
It is important that you do not worry. To do this, you can simply not communicate with collection services and collectors and wait for the blocking of accounts, and then pay off the debt.
Collectors deliberately put pressure on the psyche – but do not come
At first, I was worried about debt collectors and their threats. Many times I received SMS in the spirit of “A departure is scheduled at your address …”. However, no one ever came. Then I realized that they deliberately drive a person into an anxious state in order to knock out a debt.
Don’t take on new debt.
Ludoman gets used to living in debt. And when money is needed, he first of all looks for where to borrow, and not how to earn money. New loans will not solve your problem, but will only increase your debt. Ask everyone you borrowed money from to stop lending you money. Don’t be afraid to speak the truth – you’ll be surprised how many people understand and don’t judge. Do not take out new loans to pay off old ones. First, it is almost always financially disadvantageous. Secondly, you will surely lose credit money.
Many people play for fun. There are many other sources of pleasure that are safer and more lasting. Usually it is just the satisfaction of one’s interest in something. Keep yourself busy so that you don’t want to play.
When you spend money on yourself, life is much more pleasant. Negotiate with people for a comfortable amount for you. Do not be afraid of the threats of collectors and do not be fooled by the persuasion of relatives to pay off faster, they say, they call us here because of you – no one has died from unpleasant conversations yet. Tolerate. Pay as much as you can afford based on your needs. Buy yourself new (and necessary) things and live in comfortable conditions to feel better and pay more stable. Spend money on entertainment and hobbies.